Page with all the basic information about the project
- Contact: select the contact of your customer from the list. Add the contact to the Address book if it is missing.
- Poject: enter the name of the project
- (optional) Project Description: the text which you are entering here will be printed in the Function Description of the project
- (optional) Address: enter the address of the project building
- (optional) E-mail: e-mail address of the customer
- (optional) Phone: phone number of the customer
- (optional) Project Milestones: enter the milestones for the project
- (optional) Date: enter the adding date of the project (default: todays date)
- (optional) Header: project header information
- (optional) Project Language: set the project language – the information of the devices in the project will be printed to the Function Description/Reports in this language
- (optional) Project Start Date: project starting date
- (optional) Project End Date: project ending date
- (optional) Notes from Customer: enter notes from the customer here
- (optional) Notes from Constructor: enter notes from the constructor here
- Status: set the status for this project (Note: you can define you own Status categories at System / Project Settings / Project Status)
- (optional) Description: enter an additional description for the project for internal use