KNX Group Address Best Practices and Guidelines

KNX Group Address Guidelines

To be an efficient KNX programmer and to make your KNX projects run smoothly from start-to-finish, you need to think about how you are going to configure and document your KNX Group Address (GA) structures during the design and planning stages of your projects.

In this guide we will outline the different types of KNX group address structures and the best practices to be used when designing, planning and configuring KNX system installations.


Why KNX Group Address Best Practices Are Important

Some of the most common problems associated with KNX installations and ETS programming arise from the following issues related to KNX group addresses:

• No clear overview or knowing where to find details in your KNX project.
• ETS programming is difficult and tidies when there is no clear KNX group address structure.
• KNX group addresses being poorly structured makes debugging difficult. 
• KNX group addresses being poorly documented makes visualization difficult.
• No descriptions or details given for KNX group addresses or group objects.
• No flexibility in the design and configuration process which allows the installer/integrator to easily adjust GA’s (without making a ‘mess’ of everything else).

To avoid complications and to ensure trouble-free programming in ETS, KNX group addresses need to be structured correctly, well-documented and easy to read or understand (even for others).

Different types of Group Address Structures

Sometimes you may need to have different types of GA structures in your arsenal, to fit and suit the different types of KNX projects you work on.

There is no ‘magic’ Group Address structure that is superior or works better than all others. The best GA structure is simply the one you know best and feel comfortable with using.

However, there are still pros and cons for each of the different structures which we will outline below.

Function Based, Building Based and Device Based KNX Group Address Structures

We can roughly segment the different GA structures into 3 main groups  — function based, building based and device based.

1. Function based group address structure (promoted by the KNX association).

2. Building based group address structure (mostly used in bigger projects).

3. Device based group address structure (more unknown but it is still worth to mention).

On top of that, there are many different variations of these groups.

In fact, a device based style can be seen as a variation of the function based GA structure.

To simplify these Group Address principles, it is best to see them as only 2 different parts:

Main and Middle Structure — which sets the frame of how we build everything up.

Group addresses that are the same for all types of structures — which we can call a GA Set).

By separating the GA Set, it becomes more clear on how to build the Main and Middle structure.

KNX group address best practices

Most common GA Sets:

KNX group address guidelines

We can also see the differences of the Main, Middle and Sub group in this matrix.

KNX project design guide

* GA’s spread on different Middle groups
** All GA’s in the same Sub group

So when adding your Group Address Sets to these different structures, you will have something which looks similar to the example shown below.

KNX group address structures


NOTE: It is important to understand the difference between a group address structure and a group address SET.

If you do this separation, you can start to define the group address set you prefer to use and then start to place it inside your structure of choice.

The Function Based Group Address Structure

In a function based structure you have the Main group as function (e.g. Lighting, Heating, Shutter, Energy, etc).

The Middle group is a set of sub functions that are specific to the main function (basically one sub function per group address).

Meaning if you have 5 GA’s, you also have 5 sub groups in the Middle structure (see example below).

KNX function group addresses


This structure is clear for smaller projects and Group Address Sets like lighting and smaller heating circuits.

It is very understandable and easy to figure out which GA is switching on lights and which is dimming.

The Sub group number is even telling you which channel number you have (if you have one GA Set for each channel).

The main problem with this type of GA structure is when you add more complex GA Sets (where 8 group addresses are not enough), and you need to spread out the GA’s on many Main groups like Heating-1, Heating-2 and Audio-1, Audio-2 etc.

At this point you have lost the overview of the GA Set.

It is also difficult to keep the sub group number the same, for example with lighting where you mix switching and dimming channels as you can see on dimming channel D1-1 in the image above.

Also, adding/renaming a GA Set is tedious and time consuming when you have to switch between middle groups.

The same thing goes when linking GA’s in ETS.

First you have to select a middle structure and search for a sub group number, then switch to another middle group and search for the sub group number again!

This makes the entire process much slower, especially when you start to do visualization and need to search for many different group addresses.

Below is another image of the GA Sets Dimming in a Function based structure.

In this example, you can see the Main Structure with the functions and the Middle group with the sub functions.

You can also see how the GA’s will look on the push-button side, as well on the actuator side.

KNX ETS group address structures


Take notice how the arrows cross each other on both sides in the example shown above.

This visualizes the complexity of the linking of GA’s which you will have to do when combining group objects.

When debugging this, you will have to check both sides of the structure, on the push-button side and on the actuator side, because the linking can be wrong on both sides (compared to the device based structure outlined later in this guide).

The Building Based Group Address Structure

The building based structure is mostly commonly used for bigger KNX projects, where you have more channels and where it is necessary to structure the functions according to the building, to split up the lighting on many Main levels.

One of the main differences here is that you will have the whole GA Set in the same Middle group (as seen in the example below).

Building based knx structures

With this structure you can quickly figure out that the space is limited.

For example, with Dimming that has 5 GA’s you can have maximum 51 channels per Middle group, which sometimes forces you to also divide the middle group into e.g. Lighting1 and Lighting2, or you have to divide the Floor into sections so you have Floor1-east and Floor1-west.

Having the GA Set in one Middle group makes it harder to figure out which physical channel a specific Group Address is linked to (making KNX documentation even more important).

However, renaming group addresses and linking objects in ETS is much faster since you do not have to scroll back and forth in the main/middle structure.

Below is an image visualizing the picking of GA’s when combining the group objects.

There are less crossing of arrows, meaning when you pick group objects it is more “take one object and drag it” then take next and drag it and so on.

Once a channel is done, you scroll down and then you do the same for the next channel.

With less scrolling between middle groups, it is much faster to build the group addresses.

ETS programming guide


The Device Based Group Address Structure

The device based structure is kind of a mix between the function based and building based structures outlined above.

Instead of having functions for the Main group, you have device type like On/Off, Dimming, Heating etc.

And for the Middle group you have the building structure instead of sub functions.

KNX device group address structure

You can also think of it like this – everything evolves from a physical actuator – so for each physical actuator channel you create one GA Set.

The Main group is named after the actuator type. On/Off, Dimming, Heating etc. Similar to how the function based and the Middle structure is according to the building structure.

And just like in the building based structure, you will have one Group Address Set for each channel in one Middle group, which makes the GA linking much easier.

KNX switch actuator - ETS programming installation

Since the group address structure is built around a physical device, you can create one GA Set for each channel of the device and do the linking on the actuator side just straight forward.

This makes linking on the actuator side very fast and debugging is much easier.

The only ‘thinking’ you have to do is on the push-button side, where you have to decide which channel this button should control.

Debugging also becomes easier when you know the actuator side doesn’t change and it’s mainly the linking to push-buttons which needs to be checked when making any changes.

A helpful tip is to use a running number for the device channel which makes it easier to copy and reuse the Group address structure.

This also makes it easier to be used as a reference in drawings/documentation.

For example 201 means On/Off channel 1, 202 channel 2 etc.. And 301 DIMMING channel 1, 302 channel 2 etc.

The main difference here is that you do not name the group addresses after a specific function in your project, but rather after a physical channel!

This makes copying of the group address list from project to project faster and easier.

However, if you are not naming the group addresses but just keeping the numbers, then you need a document or some list that links the number 201 with a name “Kitchen, Ceiling lights”.

This is where having proper documentation becomes extremely important.

What is the best Group Address Structure to use for your KNX projects?

As we established at the beginning of this guide, there is no real ‘best structure’ to be used.

The best group address structure to be used is simply the one you feel the most comfortable with using.

And it is most likely that you will want to mix different styles of GA structures into your own process, however there are a few things which you do need to consider first.

  • Try to make the structure as self-documented as possible. For example, the sub group number should correspond with the channel number to make debugging easier.
  • Name your group addresses with a clear name. Only indexing and coding of the name is practical when you create the GA structure, but it takes you a fraction of a second each time you have to work with the address when you have to remember it (or you need to do a quick cross reference). You also need to think of how hard it is to change the name for a Group Address if the installer has moved channel 5 to channel 9. The more text you have to rewrite, the bigger chance there is to forget the old text you previously used. This will ultimately mess up the readability of your KNX project (the functions from ETS will really help a lot here).
  • Think about the time you spend linking GA’s in ETS. If you have to continually search for GA’s all the time when linking GA’s to objects, then you should consider streamlining the structure (use functions in ETS or have the GA set in one middle group). Ideally, you should be able to open a device in Building structure and show all objects for a certain channel. And in a different panel, you open the group address structure and you can link all objects without the need to scroll in the group address panel.

Straight forward linking:

Object functions - KNX programming

One of the most efficient ways to use  GA’s is to have a mix of both Device and Function based structures — as this makes it easy to create the structure according to the devices you are going to put into the KNX project.


KNX Project Design Guidelines

KNX Function Abbreviations

Some common abbreviations used for the functions in are:

SW – Switching
DIM – Brighter/darker
VAL or VDIM – Value dimming
FB – Feedback
VFB or VALFB – Value feedback
SA – Switching actuator
DA – Dimming actuator
BA – Blind actuator
BI – Binary input
HA – Heating actuator
MAN – Manifold
RAD – Radiator
FCA – Fan coil actuator
KP- Keypad
LK- Light keypad
SP – Sensor plate
RTR – Room temperature rollover (mode change)
PRS – Presence object to activate heating
WDW – Window object to set back heating
SET – Set point
SETFB – Set point feedback
IND – Indication

Functions in ETS

A helpful tip creating and setting up your GA’s is to use functions in ETS.

This is a new IoT feature in ETS, which at the time of writing this guide, is still under development. However it does have huge potential and it will change how you work in ETS as well as how you do visualization.

A function in ETS is basically a way to group GA’s into one function with some additional parameters, such as type of function (e.g. switch/dimming/heating/socket) that has group addresses with information such as Data Point Type and roles.

This tells ETS exactly which GA is used for switching and which is for feedback and enables automatic linking.

This will be an important aspect in the future when creating visualization and for linking group addresses to IoT devices or other protocols.

Before it was hard for a visualization to automatically create such things as buttons for your lights or heating controls for your heating circuits. You had to create the object your selves by selecting the function, place it in a room, linking all GA’s to it etc.

With a function you can define all of this by giving roles to your GA’s.

As an example, the company XXTER have recently implemented this feature so they can very quickly create a full visualization where you get the room structure, the function (such as lights in the room) and also what you can do with it.

Another very important aspect of this is that it also makes programming much faster and easier in ETS with less debugging issues.

IoT functions in ETS

In the above image you can see 7 functions in the Kitchen. And if you open the functions you can see the group addresses linked to the function — as well as if the GA is linked to any objects.

Functions gives you a really good overview of what’s going on in a specific room.

Another great benefit with these functions is if you have devices that support channels, then you can simply drag one function on to one channel and the linking will be done automatically.

This helps to speed up the entire ETS programming process even more.

KNX Group Address Structures Using The KNX Design and Planning Tool by BEMI

The KNX Design and Planning Tool by BEMI provides KNX professionals with a much faster, easier and more reliable system to create, configure and manage KNX Group Address structures.

The KNX Tool by BEMI allows you to get your GA naming right and create functions automatically — then import the project details directly into ETS.

With the KNX Design and Planning Tool you can set up your Main and Middle structure effortlessly, and play around with the different profiles to achieve your desired outcome.

In this example below, you will see we have 3 different profiles for this specific project — Building, Function and Device based.

But in your live instance, you are more likely to have two different structures. One for small projects and one for large projects.

Once you start to lay out all functions you have in your projects, then you can quickly see how everything will fit together. And you can also adjust your Main and Middle structure.

KNX group address settings

Once you have created your Main and Middle structure, you can then start to build your group address set. When you place the sub groups in the Main and Middle structure, you quickly gain a detailed overview of how everything fits together.


After you have created your group addresses, now it’s time to test the structure.

You can do this very easily by simply opening up a project with some devices, then you select a device and fill out the channel information like the function “SHUTTER” for a Shutter channel, as well as other information like room name and channel name.

This will create the group address structure with proper naming of the group addresses as well as functions ready to be imported into ETS.



The KNX Design and Planning Tool by BEMI is an all-in-one solution which allows you to design, plan, manage, budget and document KNX system installations using one single piece of software.

The KNX Design and Planning Tool uses a drag-and-drop interface so you can graphically design and plan KNX projects with speed, accuracy and simplicity.

You can then import all KNX project information such as your devices, building structure, topology, functions and group addresses (complete with all relevant channel text, ID’s, Tags, etc.) directly into ETS.

Information for each of your KNX installations is automatically formatted into professional looking documents while you are using the tool — ready to be saved, shared or printed with the click of a button.

Documentation can then be used for project budgeting, product ordering, billing purposes, installation guides, user manuals, project management, etc.







The best ALL-IN-ONE solution for designing, planning, budgeting and managing the technical requirements and workflows for each stage of a KNX project from start-to-finish.

LEARN MORE AND TRY IT FREE by clicking the link below:

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KNX is internationally recognized as the worldwide STANDARD for all applications in smart home automation and building control — including lighting, blinds & shutters, security systems, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, monitoring, alarms, water control, energy management, smart metering, household appliances, audio/video and more.

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Choose SaaS for Designing, Planning and Managing K …

What is SaaS (Software-as-a-Service)?

Before the internet was extremely fast and became available everywhere, any type of work carried out during the design and planning stages of a KNX project happened on a single computer (or device) — with all of the data and information stored locally on the internal hard drive of the hardware.

This means users were constantly limited by the capabilities of the hardware being used. For example, if you lacked the computing power to run a certain program, then you had to upgrade your computer. Or if you ran out of space on your hard drive, you had to delete files or buy an external drive.

Since the introduction of fast broadband internet, everything has changed. High-speed internet means data can be transferred hundreds of times faster. This means you can now use reliable and remote servers to store, share and process data related to your KNX projects — eliminating the dependence of individual devices or hardware.

When you use a SaaS program (or software), you are essentially outsourcing your data processing and storage to much more powerful machines; allowing users to do more with less resources.

SaaS ultimately removes hardware limitations, prevents data loss (with secure cloud storage), and also improves accessibility for all parties involved.

SaaS Vs Traditional Software for Designing, Planning and Managing KNX System Installations

KNX design software

Traditional software made for designing, planning and managing KNX projects, are typically purchased with licenses for individual computers and devices (such as programs like DDS-CAD).

This means only one person can be logged in and using the software (or manipulating data) at any given time.

Any files that are changed must be saved to a shared server maintained by the company, or manually uploaded to a cloud storage before other team members can gain access to the updated information — which ultimately slows down the overall execution of all necessary tasks.

Benefits of Using SaaS for KNX Projects

KNX system installations

Higher productivity, more predictability and increased project profitability are the core benefits of adopting a SaaS solution for your KNX systems design, planning and project management.

SaaS is a also a much more flexible and streamlined alternative to traditional KNX design and planning methods because the cloud-based software allows you to centralize all project data in one place and share information easily.

It gives different team members and all people involved with a KNX installation, remote and instant access to any important information they may need at any given time.

Multiple people can gain access to view progress on a KNX project, have the ability to ask/answer all necessary questions, compare plans and drawings to the reality on-site, etc.

With a SaaS solution, certain permissions and controlled access can be granted to all necessary individuals required to make the KNX installation run smoothly and seamlessly through to completion.

A SaaS Design and Planning Tool Built Specifically for the KNX Industry

The KNX Design and Planning Tool by BEMI is a reliable SaaS tool designed to help KNX system installers save time, money and effort with all stages of a KNX project — from the initial design, planning and development stages — through to programming KNX installations using ETS and final project reporting.

It helps prevent information loss and miss-communication while giving updated KNX project information to everyone involved (from anywhere and in real-time).

This allows KNX system designers, planners and installers the ability to make faster and more accurate decisions out in the field.

The KNX Design and Planning Tool improves productivity, organization and execution of tasks for KNX projects — by providing a single collaboration platform and unified repository for all documents across multiple locations, installers and devices.

Now you can create a unified and centralized platform for connecting all of your KNX project team members and data in real-time.

From the initial design and planning stages, through to product ordering, installation and final project reporting, the KNX Design and Planning Tool allows you to make informed decisions and share important information easily — leading to more predictable and profitable outcomes for all of your KNX projects.

Effectively manage and coordinate every aspect of KNX projects with speed, accuracy and simplicity to maximize productivity, predictability and profitability for every KNX system integration you work on.


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KNX is internationally recognized as the worldwide STANDARD for all applications in smart home automation and building control — including lighting, blinds & shutters, security systems, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, monitoring, alarms, water control, energy management, smart metering, household appliances, audio/video and more.

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How to Convince Customers KNX Automation is Their …

Customers looking for home automation systems are not stupid — if you don’t offer them value for their money, they won’t buy it!

If someone is looking for a reliable system to control and automate everyday functions such as lighting, safety, security, HVAC, entertainment, energy management, etc. — you can almost guarantee they have already done some type of research on their own before speaking with you about a suitable solution.

So as a KNX systems installer/integrator, how do you convince your customers KNX technology is going to be their best choice to fulfill their needs and requirements?

KNX system design guide tutorial

It All Starts With Analyzing Their Situation and Personal Preferences

By taking the time to talk in-depth with your customers first about their concerns and personal preferences for a customized smart-home system (before you do anything else), you are able to position yourself as a trusted advisor on the topic.

You also come across as someone who is more focused on trying to solve their problem or issues — rather than someone trying to sell a customer something they do not want or need.

And while this might seem like the obvious first step into convincing a customer KNX is going to be their best choice (compared with other automation technology), many KNX installers/integrators still struggle to point-out or highlight the extreme value KNX technology offers compared to other traditional or non hard wired automation systems.

When it comes to smart-home automation, your customers will all have different reasons for wanting this type of technology in their homes — whether it be for cost-saving/time-saving benefits, security, convenience, etc.

By making sure you properly identify a customer’s reasons and personal preferences first, this makes it much easier for you as the installer to define what they actually want or need, plus the scope of work involved for you to produce the final outcome they are looking for.

It also ensures you are able to set a realistic time-frame and budget for each KNX project, so both you and your customer will be more than satisfied with the end result.


Sell Your Customers on the Benefits of KNX Functions — Don’t Focus on Individual KNX Devices

Sell functions not devices – KNX Association

knx installers manual

You’ve probably heard this statement from the KNX association before, as it is an extremely important element during the initial selling phase of any KNX project.

But what does it actually mean?

installing knx system integrations

No matter the industry, product, demographic, application or location — people buy things when they feel there is value-for-money in the transaction they are making.

The best way for you as the KNX installer/integrator to help your customers realize the vale-for-money they will receive with a customized KNX system, is by focusing on the overall benefits of how KNX functions will work and operate within the entire system to meet their needs/requirements.

For example, lets say a customer is looking for an easy and automated solution for when they go to bed each night.

They want/need a reliable way to check that the door is locked, all lights are switched off, blinds are closed, security or alarm system is set, etc.

knx home automation installation design system

This means you as the installer (or someone who is selling the KNX system) need to be able to help that customer understand and visualize the final outcome for that entire ‘event’.

You would achieve this by creating and presenting your customer with a customized ‘scene’ or button which involves automating all of the necessary ‘before bed’ tasks — then label that function/button something like ‘Going to Bed’.

For your customer to be able to see the value-for-money in what they are receiving with KNX technology, you need to sell them on the overall benefits of functions/scenes/events as a whole — instead of focusing on selling each individual device to control one single task.

By nurturing this way of thinking about entire events (instead of focusing on selling individual devices like ‘one button one lamp’), this makes it evidently clear to your customer that a customized KNX system will give them the value-for-money they are looking for — because it offers them much more options and flexibility than a traditional or non hard wired system could ever do.

Visualization is Key to Selling More KNX Smart-Home Systems

knx system design guide

When discussing ideas, functions, events and scenes with your customers, they need to be able to visualize and fully understand what it is you are saying and offering them.

To achieve this, you have to ensure your tendering process or job proposal can be easily visualized and understood by your customer.

For example, you could be offering and presenting your customers with the best, most suitable, most reliable, most cost-efficient KNX system to fulfill all of their needs — but if they can’t visualize or understand it for themselves, they will never see the true value-for-money in what it is you are offering — and therefore will not buy it.

That’s why it is so crucial to have some type of way for your customers to visualize, understand and comprehend the features, functionality, capabilities and limitations of their customized KNX system without any confusion.

KNX System Design and Visualization Using the KNX Design and Planning Tool by BEMI

To inspire, motivate and convince your customers KNX is their best option for home-automation, you need a reliable system that is simple and fast for you to use as the KNX system designer (or installer) — but most importantly, also easy enough for your customer to understand and comprehend the complexity of the features you are offering.


Faster KNX Design and Planning for KNX Installers

How to design KNX systems

The KNX Design and Planning Tool operates with an easy to use drag-and-drop interface which allows you to design a diverse range of custom KNX systems in minutes. You can also customize the operation of smart devices and automated functions with selected presets, timers, actuators, etc. to suit the needs of your customers.

You simply pick your device/s from the Online Catalog (similar to the Online Catalog in ETS) to customize KNX systems based on customer requirements and preferences — then drag and drop each function (such as light dimming, shutter control, outdoor lights, etc.) into each individual area, room or space you have created in the building view.

KNX system integration installers guide

Input your own function descriptions to help the user understand how the functions will work. (e.g. Alarm function: when Home Mode is active and the front door is opened, it will trigger the alarm, which will flash the lights and the siren).

Fill in additional information like Device Selling Price, Net Price, Programming Time, etc. to accurately keep track of all parts and components ordered for each KNX project.

[NOTE: This also helps you visualise and price for each function in the KNX System such as logic, Light Scenes, Multimedia control etc.]

After you have finished designing the KNX system, you can get instant print-outs of easy-to-understand documentation with one simple click to give to your customers.

To save KNX system integrators a huge amount of time (and effort), all necessary documentation is automatically created and updated by the KNX Design and Planning Tool while you use it.

Easy to Understand Documents for KNX Users

KNX installtions ETS programming design

The most important aspect of selling KNX systems to your customers, is having them understand and visualize the value in what it is you are offering.

The documentation created by the KNX Design and Planning Tool can be provided to end-users to help them understand the advantages of a personalized KNX system.

KNX system documentation - KNX designing schematic

With professional looking images, charts and detailed descriptions of how each KNX function will operate, your customers are able to gain a clear overview of the functionality, capabilities and limitations of their customized KNX system without any confusion.

You can also create and produce a variety of user-manuals to ensure your customers know how to use their new KNX system properly after final programming is complete.

Design, Plan and Manage KNX System Integrations from Start-to-Finish Using One Convenient Online Tool

This KNX Design and Planning Tool is built specifically for the KNX industry and is used by KNX professionals worldwide.

It has proven to help KNX installers save time, money and effort with all stages of a KNX project — from the initial design, planning and development stages, through to programming KNX installations using ETS and final project reporting.

The Design and Planning tool provides a unique and professional way for you to inspire and motivate more customers (and building planners) to install KNX systems — by helping them visualize and understand how KNX technology will be best for them.

The best ALL-IN-ONE solution for designing, planning, budgeting and managing the technical requirements and workflows for each stage of a KNX project.







Effectively manage and coordinate every aspect of KNX projects with speed, accuracy and simplicity — to maximize productivity and profitability for every KNX system integration you work on.


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KNX is internationally recognized as the worldwide STANDARD for all applications in smart home automation and building control — including lighting, blinds & shutters, security systems, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, monitoring, alarms, water control, energy management, smart metering, household appliances, audio/video and more.

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Why Proper KNX Project Documentation is IMPORTANT!

To guarantee a trouble-free installation and a successful outcome for any type of a KNX project, you need to have a reliable method to produce important documents related to every aspect of your work.

PROPER KNX DOCUMENTATION allows you to maintain a high level of consistency and success when selling, planning, designing, installing and managing your KNX projects from start-to finish.


• Missed deadlines.

• Increased costs and time to get things done.

• Over budget.

• The end-user confused about the specific features and functions of the KNX installation.

• The customer expecting something more or something totally different to what you have initially agreed upon — due to a lack of understanding about the technical requirements and capabilities of their personalized KNX system.

• All parties involved disappointed or dissatisfied with the end result.



KNX Documents - Design and Planning Guide KNX systems

According to the KNX.Org, the following documentation is required for every KNX installation:

• Principle scheme of the facilities
• Revised electric scheme
• Revised electric plan
• Revised room book
• List of companies, responsibilities
• System specification, customer requirements
if applicable
• Acceptance certificate
• Possible test certificate (e. g. calibration of the room
• Report of the hand-over to the customer
• Description of logic functions and further details
• Manual/technical documentation of the installed
• Own documents that could be helpful later on for the
maintenance of the system

Furthermore, it is also highly recommended you also provide your customers with documents which clearly identify, outline and explain the following elements of the KNX system:


An outline of the KNX system which covers user interfaces and an explanation of how the mechanical and electrical elements will be controlled.


An outline of the general wiring of the KNX system which shows how the system is going to be installed and connected. NOTE: This document should be basic enough for non-technical parties to understand.


This document needs to contain all channel allocations, circuits, loadings and KNX programming information for both the HVAC and lighting systems.


The functional layout shows the functionality of all user interfaces. NOTE: This document is crucial as it establishes the customer’s expectations by outlining exactly how the system will work — based on their preferences and the price given or specified by you.


Detailed documents which relate to all of the parts and components required for the installation.


KNX DOCUMENTATION MADE EASY (with one simple click):

Budget report KNX Design and Planning Tool - document printing feature


Effective planning and documentation procedures are absolutely essential to guarantee the successful delivery and completion for every KNX project system integration.

Starting from the very first interaction you have with your customers during the initial design and planning of KNX systems — all the way through to programming KNX systems with ETS, final project reporting and customer support — you need to have a reliable, fast and systematic approach for all necessary KNX documentation.

The all-new KNX Design and Planning Tool by BEMI allows you to produce professional documents for your KNX projects that can be used for project budgeting, product ordering, installation guides, user manuals, etc.

✅ Instantly print a wide range of easy-to-understand KNX documents that are created and updated automatically for you when using the tool.

✅ Put an end to time-consuming project planning methods such as manually inputting data and information into programs like Microsoft word and Excel spreadsheets.

✅ Provide customers with a full overview of the features, functionality, capabilities and limitations of their customized KNX system without any confusion before work commences.

✅ Keep track of all necessary parts, components and time needed to complete each stage of a KNX project.

✅ Create additional documents which may be required for such things as E-reports, building inspections or future adaptions to the KNX system.

The best ALL-IN-ONE solution for selling, designing, planning, budgeting and managing the technical requirements and workflows for your next KNX project.

This one-of-a-kind KNX design and planning tool built specifically for the KNX industry, has been proven to help KNX installers save time, money and effort with all stages of a KNX project — from the initial design, planning and development stages, through to programming KNX installations using ETS and final project reporting.

Other key features of the KNX Design and Planning Tool include:






The KNX Design and Planning Tool by BEMI ensures a successful outcome for every type of KNX project — whether big, small, commercial or residential.

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KNX is internationally recognized as the worldwide STANDARD for all applications in smart home automation and building control — including lighting, blinds & shutters, security systems, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, monitoring, alarms, water control, energy management, smart metering, household appliances, audio/video and more.

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How to Streamline Tasks for KNX System Integration …

Correct design, a structured approach and well-organised project management are very important.

– KNX Association

KNX project design guidelines and planning for KNX installations and KNX smarthome installersAs stated in the official KNX Project Design Guidelines from the KNX Association, how you design, plan, structure and manage your KNX system installations are all important aspects to guarantee a successful outcome.

According to the recommendations from the KNX association, you need to have a reliable, systematic and streamlined approach — starting from the very first interaction you have with your customers during the initial design and planning of KNX systems — all the way through to programming KNX systems with ETS and providing all necessary documentation needed during the final handover at the completion of each project.

Do You Have a Structured and Streamlined Approach for Your KNX System Installations?

knx systems - BEMI

First, lets establish what ‘streamlining’ and ‘structuring’ is and why you need to streamline and structure the workflows, processes, tasks and activities needed for your KNX installations.

Streamlining or structuring activities is a process (or system) you can use to help simplify, organize and manage all work-related tasks and documentation for your KNX installations.

It is used by successful businesses and organizations (from all industries) all over the world to help improve productivity and profitability for everything they do — and to also make sure all aspects of an operation run as smoothly as possible.

Streamlining and structuring workflows, processes, tasks and activities require the usage of modernized techniques, technology and other possible approaches to produce a desired outcome.

How Will Streamlining and Structuring KNX Project Workflows Help?

An efficient and proven streamlined/structured process always results in fewer errors, less delays and higher profit margins for any type of project or business. And can be easily replicated and relied upon to produce similar results in the future.

Being able to streamline and structure all of the important tasks needed for any type of KNX system integration (whether big, small, commercial or residential) from start to finish is absolutely essential if you want to hand over a properly functioning KNX system to your customer which is on-time, on-budget, profitable and fully documented to protect your work.


How Effective and Cost-Efficient is Your Current Method for KNX Design and Planning?

KNX project management guide

If you are an experienced KNX installer/integrator, you probably already have a checklist of tasks or a set of processes you go through every time you start work on a new KNX project.

For example, you may use the same software, tools or steps each time when you:

  • contact a new potential customer

  • sell KNX to your customer

  • design and structure KNX systems

  • keep track of time and KNX products needed for a project

  • generate reports and documents

  • resolve customer issues

  • etc.

And you’ve likely come up with and established these processes based on your own idea of what works best for you and your business.

But are your current processes for your KNX installations as effective as they could be?

Are you using the latest strategies, technology and tools available to help you achieve better, faster and more profitable results for your KNX installations?

Inefficient workflows and processes can lead to much more than just poor results for one single KNX installation.

It ultimately leads to:

  • Continuously missing deadlines

  • Increased costs and time to get things done

  • Over budget

  • Unhappy customers

  • A bad reputation as a KNX installer

  • Reduced productivity

  • Reduced profit margins

  • More stress

  • Etc.

That’s why it’s so important to invest time into analyzing, improving, streamlining and structuring ‘how you do things’ if you want your KNX projects to run smoothly each and every time.

When you implement better design and planning processes for your KNX installations, you will undoubtedly see better results in the form of:

✔️ A proven, time-saving system you can replicate and rely on to produce high quality results and positive outcomes as expected.

✔️ Increased productivity and profitability for every KNX project.

✔️ Happier customers.

✔️ More positive reviews about your business.

✔️ More job referrals.


Try the only ALL-IN-ONE KNX Design and Planning Tool to Help You Streamline and Structure All Aspects of a KNX Project from Start-to-Finish.


The KNX Design and Planning Tool by BEMI is built specifically for the KNX industry and has proven to help KNX installers save time, money and effort with all stages of a KNX project — from the initial design, planning and development stages, through to programming KNX installations using ETS and final project reporting.


Design, Plan and Customize Personalized KNX Systems in Minutes with Drag and Drop


How to design KNX systems

The time efficient and easy-to-use drag & drop drawing board of the KNX Design and Planning Tool allows you to design a wide range of fully customized KNX systems in minutes for your customers.

You can create a diverse range of different types of Building structures for your KNX projects — then start adding individual devices to each room, area or space by simply dragging the device over to the drawing board.

Help Your Customers Visualize The Possibilities and Benefits of a Fully Customized KNX System

The Design and Planning tool provides a unique and professional way for you to inspire and motivate more customers (and building planners) to install KNX systems — by helping them visualize and understand how KNX technology will be best for them.

The KNX design and Planning Tool automatically generates easy-to-understand documents which contain detailed function descriptions (and images) of a KNX system — which explains how the system will work and benefit them.

This lets you produce detailed and visually appealing KNX proposals for your customers that will help you sell a more diverse range of projects as a KNX installer.

Get instant printouts which contain a full and comprehensive overview of the features, functionality, capabilities and limitations of their customized KNX system without any confusion.

KNX installtions ETS programming and debugging


Make Sure End-Users Know How to Use and Operate Their Personalized KNX System with Professional Labels

KNX label printer - KNX Tool

Have you ever experienced the following problem as a KNX system integrator when it comes to KNX push-buttons?

Someone has trouble using and controlling the functions or features of their KNX installation because they have forgotten (or do not understand) how to use the push-buttons correctly?

This typically requires additional work needed on your part just to keep the customer happy and can sometimes result with the customer being dissatisfied with your work — even though it was not your fault.

Now you can avoid any end-user confusion and disappointment with professional KNX labeling for push-buttons, switches, sockets, RCDs and more.

The convenient in-built labeling feature allows you to create professional looking labels for all switches, sockets, push-button sensors, RCDs, etc. which can include your company logo and a combination of symbols and text for easy identification by users.

Group address KNX ETS programming



Save Time, Money and Hassle with Instant Printouts of KNX Documentation Automatically Generated by the KNX Tool


KNX documentation tool - KNX design and planning

Now you can instantly produce a wide variety of professional documents for all KNX projects which can be used for project budgeting, product ordering, installation guides, etc.

No more out-dated, time consuming and amateur looking methods such as the use of excel spreadsheets or basic word documents. Now you can gain instant access to all KNX documentation needed for your KNX projects with a click of a button.

Instantly print easy-to-follow manuals (with images) which can be used for seamless KNX installations — and to show end-users how to control and manage all automated features and functions of their KNX system.

You can also create required documents for such things as E-reports and building inspections — as well as all necessary documentation and labeling needed for future adaptions and further additions to the KNX system.

These important KNX documents are automatically generated and updated by the KNX Design and Planning Tool when you are creating, setting up and customizing your projects.




Ensure Faster and More Reliable KNX Programming in ETS

KNX ETS group address

A well designed KNX Group Address structure with proper naming is essential for trouble-free programming and debugging when using ETS.

The specialized KNX Group Address feature gives you the ability to plan and design your entire KNX system — then have all KNX group addresses (with all relevant channel text, ID’s, Tags etc.) ready to be imported into ETS when its time for programming and commissioning your KNX system.

After device configuration has been customized and completed using the KNX Design and Planning Tool, all you need to do is simply download the KNX Group Address structure file that is created and updated automatically for you — then import the XML file into ETS for final programming.

Overview of How the KNX Design and Planning Tool Works










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KNX is internationally recognized as the worldwide STANDARD for all applications in smart home automation and building control — including lighting, blinds & shutters, security systems, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, monitoring, alarms, water control, energy management, smart metering, household appliances, audio/video and more.

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USER REVIEW: KNX Design and Planning Tool by BEMI

Used by KNX Professionals Worldwide

We’ve had tremendous feedback about the KNX Design and Planning Tool over the past few months!

Users from all over the world have reported to save up to 65% of work time by streamlining all KNX project workflows; from the initial planning, design and development stages — all the way through to final programming and commissioning KNX installations using ETS.

In the following video, KNX systems integrator Francesco Martinelli from Italy shares his experience after using the KNX Design and Planning Tool for the past 3 years during the selling, planning, design and project management phases of his KNX projects.










The KNX Design and Planning Tool by BEMI ensures a successful outcome for every type of KNX project — whether big, small, commercial or residential.

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KNX is internationally recognized as the worldwide STANDARD for all applications in smart home automation and building control — including lighting, blinds & shutters, security systems, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, monitoring, alarms, water control, energy management, smart metering, household appliances, audio/video and more.

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Ensure Trouble-Free KNX Programming in ETS | KNX D …


The all-new KNX Design and Planning Tool by BEMI Automation has a specialized KNX GROUP ADDRESS FEATURE that allows users to automatically create their personalised and project specific KNX Group Address structure and import it into ETS.

The specialized KNX Group Address feature of the KNX Design and Planning Tool gives KNX installers the ability to plan and design their entire KNX system with easy drag and drop — then have all KNX group addresses (with all relevant channel text, ID’s, Tags etc.) ready to be imported into ETS for trouble-free programming.

After device configuration has been completed, simply download the KNX Group Address structure file that is automatically created by the KNX Design and Planning Tool — then import the XML file into ETS for final programming.

A well designed KNX Group Address structure with proper naming is crucial to trouble free programming and debugging.


Too often are structures copied from old projects with unnecessary addresses and wrong naming the root cause for messy projects and time-consuming debugging.

To create a new structure from scratch every single time for every KNX project is also too time-consuming and only possible in small projects.

The Only All-In-One KNX Design and Planning Tool Suitable for All Types of KNX Installations

The KNX Design and Planning Tool by BEMI Automation has been specifically designed for KNX planners and installers to ensure a successful outcome for every type of KNX project — whether big, small, commercial or residential.

This one-of-a-kind tool built specifically for the KNX industry has been proven to help KNX installers save time, money and effort with all stages of a KNX project — from the initial design, planning and development stages, through to programming KNX installations using ETS and final project reporting.

KNX“The KNX Design and Planning Tool was first created out of frustration as a KNX system integrator.” says Michael Bendtsen, owner of BEMI Automation and the creator of the KNX Design and Planning Tool.

“When my skills and experience with KNX developed over the years, I then started to design and offer more complex KNX systems to my customers. However, I soon realized I needed a faster and more reliable method to design, plan and manage my KNX installations from start-to-finish. I also needed to find a way to produce and provide easy-to-follow documentation for my customers that would enable me to show them exactly what they are buying — and to serve as an agreement for what I will actually deliver.”

“Having my customers fully understand the features, functionality and limitations of their customized KNX system before work commences with proper documentation ensures my customers are 100% satisfied with the final outcome every single time. Having all of my design, planning and documentation methods streamlined using one convenient online tool (such as the KNX Design and Planning Tool) ensures I can maximize productivity and profitability for every KNX installation I work on.”

Other Key Features of the KNX Design and Planning Tool

Not only does the KNX Tool by BEMI ensure faster and more reliable programming with each KNX installation (and less debugging on-site), it also helps the KNX installer maintain a high level of consistency when planning, designing and selling a diverse range of KNX systems.

Below is a quick outline of some of the other key features and benefits of the KNX Design and Planning Tool.



Instant printouts of easy-to-understand KNX documentation can be provided to end-users which contains a full overview of the features, functionality, capabilities and limitations of their customized KNX system without any confusion — using detailed function descriptions and images automatically generated by the KNX Design and Planning Tool when setting up your projects.

This allows you to quickly produce detailed and visually appealing KNX proposals for your customers that will enable you to sell a more diverse range of KNX systems.


How to design KNX systems

The easy-to-use color coded, drag-and-drop drawing board allows you to create and design entire KNX systems in minutes.

Simply arrange devices and functions on the KNX Tool drawing board to design fully customized KNX systems that match the specific needs, preferences and requirements of the end customer.

The drag-and-drop drawing board enables you to design and plan complex KNX installations in minutes with just a few simple clicks.

Create new building and room structures for KNX projects using the KNX Tool’s drawing board, then drag selected KNX devices over to the relevant rooms to gain a clear overview of the requirements for each project you are currently working on.


ETS programming KNX

The Budget Report helps you stay within project budget guidelines by breaking down all of the project costs — including programming time for the devices and functions in detail.

It enables the you to accurately calculate and manage all costs associated with each stage of a KNX project.

It also allows you to easily adjust and keep track of project changes or amendments to accurately invoice for all services, products and components.

Get instant printouts of budget reports for accurate financial documentation for each KNX project.


ETS Programming KNX

The Purchase Report provides an instant overview of the availability of all devices for a KNX project.

Here you are able to order devices directly from within the Purchase Report page if they are not in stock.

Accurately document and keep track of all information related to each device ordered and purchased for a KNX project.


KNX group address ets

Group address KNX programming using ETS

The unique label printing feature ensures end-users can easily identify and understand how to operate their KNX system with informative labeling.

Print professional looking and company branded labels instantly for all KNX switches, sockets, push-button sensors, RCDs, etc.


KNX installtions ETS programming and debugging

Function descriptions help the user understand how each function will work. (e.g. Alarm function: when Home Mode is active and the front door is opened, it will trigger the alarm, which will flash the lights and the siren).

Now you can visualize and price for each individual function you integrate into a KNX system — as well as for the physical devices you are selling to the customer (e.g. Logic, Light Scenes, Multimedia Control etc.).

Simply drag and drop each function (such as light dimming, shutter control, outdoor lights, etc.) into the rooms you have created using the drag and drop drawing board.

Print detailed reports with images for end-user manuals, installation guides and final project reporting.


 KNX installation guide ETS

The Actuator Report lists all of the actuators that go in the Electrical board. With easy drag and drop features you can move channels around to making the updating “as build” easy.

This feature allows you to enter informative and descriptive text so it can be used as a user-manual and for final project reporting. Easy enough for end-customers to understand.



This feature allows you to keep track of any non KNX products used and sold to a project.

You are able to enter detailed descriptions about the functionality of non KNX products and their specific integration requirements.

Get instant printouts of detailed reports with images for end-user manuals, installation guides and final project reporting.


ETS user guide

The time-tracker allows you to keep track of exactly how much time is spent completing each task in order to complete KNX projects within budget guidelines.

This feature allows you to accurately itemize and document extra work completed on a project for additional billing purposes.

Get instant printouts of all necessary time-tracking information for final project analysis and final project reporting.

Try it FREE!

Start saving time, money and effort with all stages of a KNX project — from the initial planning and development stages through to programming KNX installations using ETS and final project reporting.

Make sure you maximize productivity and profitability for every KNX installation you work on.

Click the link below to start your free trial and experience the ultimate solution for designing, planning, budgeting and managing the technical requirements and work-flows for your next KNX project.


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KNX is internationally recognized as the worldwide STANDARD for all applications in smart home automation and building control — including lighting, blinds & shutters, security systems, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, monitoring, alarms, water control, energy management, smart metering, household appliances, audio/video and more.

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A Better Way to Sell Design and Plan KNX Installat …


KNX design and planning



How Do You Sell, Design and Plan KNX Installations?


The methods you use for selling, designing and planning KNX installations are extremely important.

They ensure the right expectations for KNX installations are set (and documented) around exactly what can be delivered, by when, and for how much.

However, it is not uncommon to find many KNX companies and professional KNX integrators still doing this important KNX design and planning work using out-dated and time consuming methods (such as excel spreadsheets or basic word documents).


Old schoole function description


Not only does it take a lot of time to create such documents, it is also very hard to try and convey all of the features and functions of a customized KNX system to your customer using these old-fashioned KNX design and planning methods.


Are You Able to Explain the Full Benefits of a Personalized KNX System to Customers Using Your Current Methods?


Being able to communicate complex ideas to show and explain the full benefits of a personalized KNX system is crucial for the success of your KNX business.

Using outdated KNX design and planning methods (such as the excel spreadsheet example shown above), can lead to your customer:


  • Confused about the specific features and functions of their KNX installation.


  • Expecting something more or something totally different to what you have initially agreed upon — due to a lack of understanding about the technical requirements and capabilities of their personalized KNX system.


  • Disappointed or dissatisfied with the end result.


Your KNX design and planning methods need to include an effective way to help your customers not only visualize the capabilities of potential KNX applications, but also the limitations of what they have actually selected.

To ensure a successful outcome for all KNX installations, it always best to provide your customers with a comprehensive and easy-to-follow overview of all necessary requirements for their KNX project before work commences.


Want a Faster and More Professional Way to Sell, Design and Plan KNX Smart-Home Systems?

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This one-of-a-kind tool is built specifically for the KNX industry and is designed to help KNX installers save time, money and effort with all stages of a KNX project — from the initial design, planning and development stages through to programming KNX installations using ETS and final project reporting.

The KNX Design and Planning Tool by BEMI Automation ensures a successful outcome for every type of KNX project — whether big, small, commercial or residential.




Show end-users the features, functionality, capabilities and limitations of their customized KNX system without any confusion — using detailed function descriptions and images.


KNX Planing and KNX Design help





Create and design customized KNX systems in minutes with our easy-to-use, color coded drawing board and drag & drop interface — simply arrange devices and functions on the KNX Tool drawing board to design KNX systems that match the specific needs, preferences and requirements of your customers.





Design your system in the KNX tool to automatically get the KNX group address structure with channel text, ID’s, Tags etc. — ready to be imported in ETS (this ensure a faster and more reliable programming in ETS as well as with less debugging on-site).


KNX Group address - ETS compatible






Instantly produce comprehensive and easy-to-understand documents with one easy click — such as installation guides (to minimize KNX system errors before ETS programming and on-site commissioning), function description details, budget reports, purchase reports, product lists, end-user manuals, etc.


KNX Documentation and KNX reporting





Print professional looking, company branded labels for all push-buttons in your KNX installations with one click.


KNX label printing for KNX push buttons





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KNX is internationally recognized as the worldwide STANDARD for all applications in smart home automation and building control — including lighting, blinds & shutters, security systems, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, monitoring, alarms, water control, energy management, smart metering, household appliances, audio/video and more.

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KNX Design and Planning: Improve Productivity and …

Are you ‘wasting’ time with inefficient KNX planning, project management and documentation procedures?

Every single minute wasted in the day-to-day operations of your KNX business will hurt your companies revenue.

Inefficiencies in workflow and processes ⁠— from the selling phase through to commissioning and final project reporting, can and will affect your ROI for every KNX project you install.

It’s been proven many times that the established processes and workflow systems currently being used in the KNX industry (such as the design and planning of complex KNX systems using outdated methods like excel spreadsheets, microsoft word, etc.) are extremely time-consuming for the installer.

The use of confusing planning and documentation processes during any KNX installation can also lead to a customer being:

  • confused about their KNX installation.
  • unable to operate all functions of their KNX systems correctly due to a lack of understanding about their system.
  • disappointed or dissatisfied with the end result.


Electrical Contractors Who Specialize in KNX Systems Need Specialized KNX Solutions



Trying to design, sell, plan and manage complex KNX systems using a combination of different applications such as word documents and excel spreadsheets is confusing for both installer and customer.

When it comes to KNX installations and retrofits, our customers are looking for greater functionality, ease-of-use and robust integration options.

KNX job details can often seem very vague when trying to convey all of the features and functions of a KNX system to a customer, using complicated spreadsheets and basic word documents.


And the chance of human error with manual data entry is extremely high when trying to input and organize all of the required information for any KNX system integration, using the current outdated methods of KNX documentation.

Also, if changes or amendments are made to the initial KNX plan for whatever reason, installers and integrators need to be able to quickly and accurately adjust the details — to ensure all necessary parts are ordered and correct billing is invoiced for the project.


Is Specialized Project Management Software Important for Your KNX Business?

47% of projects fail to meet their goals due to poor management of requirements


Poor project design and lack of project management affects different industries negatively in many different ways.

However, efficient project design and management has proven to have the opposite effect.

Proper project, design, planning and management is essential for your KNX business because it ensures proper expectations are set around exactly what can be delivered, by when, and for how much.

Those who work on more complex and technical projects such as KNX installations and integrations, require streamlined workflows and efficient project management systems to ensure profitability is maximized during every stage of a KNX installation.

Effective project design, planning and management has always been one of the key factors in determining a successful outcome for any type of project in every industry — particularly those which deal with KNX and smart-home technologies.

When you choose to implement better design, planning and project management processes for your KNX business (such as the use of specialized project management software for the KNX industry), you will undoubtedly see better results.


A Smarter Way to Design, Sell, Plan, Manage and Document KNX Smart-Home Systems


The KNX Design and Planning Tool by BEMI Automation is a unique one-of-a-kind tool specifically for KNX installers and integrators to help minimize complications and maximize profits for your KNX business.

This specialized KNX Tool has been designed to help save time, money and effort with all stages of a KNX project.


The KNX Design and Planning Tool can help you save up to 65% of work time by streamlining all KNX project workflows — from the initial planning and development stages through to programming KNX installations using ETS and final project reporting.

  • Systematically plan, manage and control every aspect of KNX projects to gain a clear overview of all KNX projects and their current status.
  • Conveniently color code projects and tasks according to priority and status so you can arrange and organize KNX project workflows to maximize productivity.
  • Create, design and sell a diverse range of KNX projects with speed, accuracy and simplicity using the KNX Tool’s easy-to-use drag and drop interface.
  • Check the availability of KNX products and components needed for your project and order parts directly from inside the KNX tool itself.
  • Instantly produce comprehensive and easy-to-understand documents detailing all aspects of a KNX project — such as installation guides, function descriptions, budget reports, purchase reports, product lists, user manuals, etc.

Learn more about KNX Design and Planning Tool by BEMI Automation


Key Benefits of KNX Automation for Commercial Buil …

The KNX automation systems we offer here at BEMI Automation are suitable for almost any type of residential, commercial or industrial building structure. Our advanced KNX systems can also be utilized in a variety of outdoor settings too.

In this article we will outline the key benefits of KNX automation for commercial and industrial building projects. We will also explain how KNX technology works to improve building operational efficiency, lower energy consumption/costs and optimize the living/working conditions of all building occupants.

KNX Manages Energy Consumption and Improves Building Operational Efficiency

In light of climate change and public awareness, the energy-efficiency  of building operations is now an extremely important factor during any building planning stages.

There are now essential requirements for to construct buildings with energy-efficient architectural design, an insulated exterior and modern electrical engineering which maintains a high level of operational efficiency.

The consumption of energy for integral building operations such as lighting, heating, cooling etc. depend on both the overall building design and end-user/occupant behavior.

With a dynamic KNX operational system, energy usage of any commercial or industrial building can be fully optimized to match energy demand during different times of operation.

Building automation with KNX offers the best option for building automation as it ensures economical use of energy, while still maintaining optimal performance of all building features and functions.

KNX systems are able to regulate and control the generated heating and cooling capacity in line with demand — and also manage lighting installations using sensors and timer programs (so they are operate more efficiently).

KNX installations and planning can be used to effectively control such things as sun protection systems, ventilation flaps and other systems where energy and cost saving benefits can be maximized.

Intelligent capture of consumption data (Smart Metering) as well as coupling with other intelligent networks (Smart Grid) opens up new possibilities for further optimization and increased energy efficiency for the future.

KNX Improves Business Operational Efficiency

All businesses aspire to maximize efficiency in daily operations.

Business operational efficiency has a lot to do with managing the resources of the entire facility (e.g. staff work-flows, electricity, time, money, etc.) in a way that reduces waste and maximizes output.

KNX automation systems in commercial or industrial buildings can connect a multitude of devices inside the same facility to exchange information that allows for maximum workplace efficiency.

An industrial site or a business complex is often quite large, therefore KNX makes a huge difference when it comes to bringing together every room, every employee and the automated operations of integral building functions.

KNX is Convenient and Reliable

KNX automation can manage everything: security, lighting, heating, energy efficiency, sensors, dimmers, valves, blinds, shutters, audio, video, displays and so much more.

KNX is a smart-building system which not only controls building features and functions, it also makes it far easier for employees (or building occupants) to achieve optimal performance on a daily basis.

KNX is a reliable, fully customizable system that improves both building operational efficiency and workplace comfort/convenience — all manageable from a smart phone, tablet or laptop.

KNX Energy Management Provides Huge Cost Saving Benefits

KNX automation doesn’t just save time, it can also provide huge financial savings for any business through efficient energy management, usage and consumption.

KNX systems provide effective energy management through Peak Demand Monitoring, Current Detection, Network Monitoring, Load Shedding, Smart Metering, Energy Pulse Counting, Data Logging and Visualisation

KNX systems for commercial and industrial buildings also reduce the costs required for the installation and maintenance of such things such as traditional switches, wiring, banners and other things — which when purchased and used manually, can amount to substantial financial burdens for the business.

In the event of lights, HVAC and other building mechanisms failing and requiring manual labour to be fixed, this only adds to the costs.

When everything is controlled by KNX automation, all of these maintenance costs are totally removed and only arise when the time comes to completely replace all lights, heaters, air conditioners, etc.

So for commercial and industrial businesses, KNX automation can be extremely beneficial in terms of energy management and energy costs.

KNX is Future-Proof Technology

For a system to be futureproof, it is surely a given that it is built on a ubiquitous and harmonised platform that assures there will be continuity of supply. The end user – and indeed integrators charged with maintaining the system – cannot be hostage to the commercial whims of one supplier. It follows that proprietary systems – even when they are thinly disguised as ‘standards’ – are not futureproof.

With KNX, there is an assurance that will no happen. Manufacturers of KNX compatible devices, and there are over 400 of them, are attracted by the global marketplace the open communications protocol creates. In return, they must ensure that every KNX product they submit for certification is backwards compatible.

Most of the quasi-standards can be integrated into a KNX system and how we do tha is often the topic of conversation between integrators at KNX UK Association networking days, where the collaborative ethos that has always driven KNX is evident.

KNX Systems are Flexible, Robust and Simplistic in Design

Changes and upgrades to installations must be simple. We live in an age where customers expect ‘plug and play’, not ‘rip and replace’. The KNX approach of distributing intelligence and addressing field level devices via robust, inexpensive TP cable makes sense.

So while, say, DALI offers on the face of it a good degree of flexibility at the control panel end, significant changes to the lighting schematic are likely to involve costly and disruptive building and remedial work.

With a KNX system where you can just drop down from the nearest node on a bus cable. In practice, a popular solution is to couple DALI lighting zones within a building-wide KNX system using readily-available and KNX-certified gateway devices.

KNX Systems Can Be Easily Scaled and Upgraded as Needed

At 9600bps, the bus can support over 50 telegrams (instructions to field level devices or feedback from them) per second which is more than sufficient because intelligence is distributed on a KNX network.

A KNX installation is further divided into lines and areas, each independent from any others and each with its own capacity of 50 telegrams per second. It is clear that cable bandwidth is not an issue.

While cable remains the backbone of most KNX systems there is, of course, a secure IP connectivity.

This all leads to the inevitable conclusion that KNX is unquestionably the best solution for futureproofing intelligent buildings control.

The customer has a building that will keep working for them; the integrator has a customer that will keep coming back for more because the price and hassle barriers of continuous improvement are, relatively speaking, negligible.

The key promises implicit in a KNX system are that:

all the devices they install will work together as intended,
any one device can be replaced or upgraded, without compromising the whole system,
expanding and reconfiguring the systems to accommodate the need to change the way a building is laid out and used will always be possible
any new KNX software developments will be backwards compatible – a device that was addressed by the KNX configuration software (ETS) in, say 2000, can be managed just as easily with, say a 2025 software version and beyond.

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KNX is internationally recognized as the worldwide STANDARD for all applications in smart home automation and building control — including lighting, blinds & shutters, security systems, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, monitoring, alarms, water control, energy management, smart metering, household appliances, audio/video and more.

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